Listings are the identification of your product. The listing will describe your products. It works as a sales representative on ecommerce channels.

We highly recommend giving the highest attention to the listing as it is representing the product to the consumers. It has to reflect the correct information in the most attractive way. We follow the following services for listing optimization.

Listing Creations :

  • We will create product titles, bullet points, descriptions, keywords and will select appropriate Category (Browse Note).
  • Seller need to provide product details like MRP, Sale price, Images, Quantity, Product dimension, Product weight and other mandatory details in Excel Format.

Advance Content & Listing :

  • Long & short Description : We design advance description to highlight your product’s most appealing features and give customer the right details to make a buying decision.
  • Product Features Bullets : Well Written bullet points are easy to view, easy to comprehend and aid the customer in their search for that perfect product. We design feature bullets to inform, convince and aid the sales process.
  • Product Specification : Accurate specifications speak to the unique attributes associated with the product.